Learning Through Little House
Online Class
Age: 7 to 13 years (approximately; depends on individual child)
Cost: $175 for the term (click here to learn about the discounts I offer)
Commitment: 1 class per week for 12 weeks
Winter Term begins the week of 1/6/25 and ends on 3/26/25
Day & Time: Thursdays at 10am PST for 50 minutes.
Books & Focus: In Winter Term we’ll be reading On the Banks of Plum Creek* and On the Shores of Silver Lake* by Laura Ingalls Wilder (see below), discussing the stories during class and doing projects related to this book in between classes.
Description: In this class we’ll continue working our way through the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. New students are more than welcome to jump in as we begin the third book. Having read at least Little House in the Big Woods in advance is recommended but not required. This class will be both fun and rich with opportunities to dive deeper into and learn more about the content. Ingalls’ books are some of my very favorite children's books. They are “living books” full of wonderful characters that were real people. This class will be great for early and accomplished readers, and any children who are a fan of the classic Little House books, historical fiction, classic literature, and fun homework assignments building life skills. This will be a wonderful class! Projects and discussion will focus on the story of Laura’s life, as well as how people lived during her lifetime. We will also cover topics such as skills people were often proficient at when the author was alive (e.g. sewing, baking, cooking, farming and fishing).
Homework: This class with have moderate homework including…
Reading for the week ( 4-6 chapters per week)
Writing assignments
Projects to pick from (such as crafting, cooking, and research projects)
Books For This Class:
Disclaimer: Below are links to products on Amazon.com. If you click these links then purchase any of the books I recommend, this means I earn a small amount through the Amazon Associates program (at no extra cost to you).
The Little House Collection (9 vol. set)
By Laura Ingalls Wilder
This set includedes all 9 books in the Little House series. We’ll be covering them slowly in this class, but I highly recommend this set for your home library.
On The Banks of Plum Creek
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By the Shores of Silver Lake
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The Little House Cookbook
by Barbara M. Walker
Optional Additional Resource
Little House Coloring Book
by Laura Ingalls Wilder with original illustrations by Garth Williams from all nine books
Optional Additional Resource